reviving Hope blog


4 Sentences That Will Drastically Improve Your Relationships

There are four sentences that will change your relationships and bring a lot of healing. The first one is: 

I’m sorry. 

And there are two ways this can play out. First of all, if you’ve done something destructive: if you’ve hurt someone, just own it. Apologize. Initiate by saying, I’m sorry, and say it sincerely. And then also, say “I’m sorry” if someone’s going through a tragedy. 

Instead of making it more painful by saying a bunch of things that aren’t helpful and rambling on. Simply saying, “I’m sorry” and saying it with compassion and entering into their pain. “I’m sorry,” is a powerful sentence. 

Here’s another sentence that you can share, it’s: 

I appreciate you. 

It’s so easy to take people for granted. People who serve you. It could be at a restaurant or a store. It could be in your family, but don’t take people for granted. Verbalize it and say “I appreciate you.” 

The third sentence is: 

I trust you. 

“I trust you” is empowering. It’s saying that “I know you,” “I’m behind you” and we’re working on this together and my trust is in you. “I trust you” communicate support and a bond together in collaboration. 

The fourth sentence is:

I love you. 

And love is communicated through words and actions. There needs to be consistency with both. Sometimes we feel like we love people, but we never say it. There are a lot of kids that long to hear it from their parents. It’s so powerful when you say “I love you.” And again, it’s authentic. 

All of these points of communication. There’s so much power with the tongue. We need to tame our tongue because we can say the worst things: gossip, slander, and mean stuff that’s destructive. 

But there’s also the power of life in our tongue. Your tongue can be an instrument of healing. 

Now, it’s also an area where we’re going to need to rely on God. And let’s ask God to help us with our communication. And think through these four sentences:

  • “I’m sorry,” 
  • “I appreciate you” 
  • “I trust you” 
  • “I love you.” 

When you start saying those regularly, daily, intentionally. Where there is sincerity. Do you know what’s gonna happen? The culture is gonna change. There’s a culture in our country. There’s a culture in schools and workplaces. There’s a culture at home. And when you communicate these sentences, there’s healing and the culture changes. And remember, there’s the power of life that’s in the tongue. 

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4 Sentences That Will Drastically Improve Your Relationships

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