reviving Hope blog


Stepping Out Of Despair And Into Hope

Despair can creep in right after a big victory. That’s when we’re vulnerable. 

Listen to God’s Gentle Voice

That’s what happened to the prophet Elijah. In fact, he was at such a low point he said, “God take my life.” And God started to restore him through food and sleep but also God’s gentle voice. Not in the wind, the fire, or the earthquake, but in that still small voice. 

Let’s listen. Listening as part of stepping out of despair. God directed Elijah to not be so consumed with himself. There are others, pour into others. Listen to God’s voice in a busy noisy culture. 

When You’re Feeling Excluded, Jesus Will Come And Find you. 

If you ever felt rejected and mistreated in church? There were religious leaders and they were cruel to this man who was born blind. And he felt rejected. He was kicked out but Jesus came and found him. When you feel like you’re excluded, Jesus will come and find you. When you feel disappointed and are in pain and despair, Jesus will find you.

There’s healing. Receive the grace of Jesus. He received forgiveness of sins, eternal life, and also revived in his faith. I want to encourage you to turn to Jesus if you’re in pain and despair and also find a healthy church where you can walk with God. 

How do you find your strength in God? 

David was at a low point in his life. He’d been waiting over 10 years to be king after he was anointed. Then an army came in and captured his family. Some of the other leaders turned against him and he was all alone. And maybe you felt all alone recently. What do you do at that point?

David started seeking God and relying on God. And found his strength in God. God will take you from strength to strength. He’ll be your strength, even in your weakness, but you need to see God, rely on God and then receive His strength. 

Disappointment can lead to despair. 

Have you been there? Have you felt that? Perhaps someone really let you down. How do you respond at that moment? 

Well, this happened to Moses. He came down from the mountain with the 10 commandments. The people worshiped the golden calf and he was furious. But what you see in Moses is as he works through that, he does three things:

  • He’s gonna forgive the people. 
  • He’s also going to pray for them and intercede. 
  • Then he’s gonna do the work of restoration. He’s going to serve them and bring the 10 commandments back. 

So, when people disappoint you, pray for them, forgive them, and continue to serve.

Want a practical roadmap for finding hope? Go on a seven-day journey with THIS FREE practical roadmap as your guide.

Beliefs, Mindset




Stepping Out Of Despair And Into Hope

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