The Podcast

Are you wanting to experience more of God’s presence? How often do you feel stuck, stressed, empty, frustrated, unmotivated, and alone and sense you have a greater purpose?

God’s greatest gift to you is His presence. God is love. God is light. God is a consuming fire. The bonfire is a place for gathering, celebrating, and refining. The bonfire is a place for community. The Bonfire is a place to experience Jesus and learn to abide with Him. God will meet you right where you are. He brings embers together and builds a bonfire.

My First Bonfire

My first significant bonfire was at Dartmouth College. It’s an annual tradition since the 1880s. We spent a week building the bonfire, which was almost 40 feet high. All of the students ran around the bonfire in circles during homecoming as it burned. God lit the fire in my soul my sophomore year as I began a relationship with Jesus. I didn’t believe God existed. I was successful on the outside, but empty on the inside. The love of God transformed my life and continues to ignite my purpose and passion daily.